Wednesday, May 7, 2008

New beginings!

Well My little lemon drop , the day has come. Tomorrow you will have your Cokie's turned on!
I am aware you wont know what the noises are at first, but from what I know about you, you will figure it all out real fast.

No matter how fast or how slow this whole ride goes for you, always know that I am so proud of you Amelia. Your smile always makes the room light up, and that scowl you get, its the best scowl on earth. I figure it will be a big part of your personality forever. You are so strong, you inspire me daily, to work hard, and to care about the little things we take for granted. You never go too long with out making us smile, and thru all the test's and the surgery you have had, You were stronger than I ever could have imagined, and stronger than I would or will be.

I love you Amelia , and I am so very proud to be your Daddy.

Thank you for being here for me , and remember, always say what you need to say!

Love Daddy!

1 comment:

Drew's Mom said...

I have always believed that things happen for a reason, and while it was so hard to find a good one when Drew was diagnosed, I knew at some point I would see with clarity why this had happened.

Your words to your daughter are so touching, and the most wonderful part of this journey is that you will never take a moment with her for granted. Hearing her first sounds? Priceless. Babbling for the firts time? Amazing. Saying her first word? It's only just begun. Those that have not gone through this - having sound, communication - nearly taken away will NEVER appreciate things we do. I thank God everyday that I was given the opporunity to see my children and their communication as the special gift they are. Not many have that opportunity.

We'll be thinking about you tomorrow. Take the video camera - can't wait to see her reaction! The best is yet to come...